Excursions in Valle Maira

The nature in all its beauty

Surrounded by magnificent alpine panoramas, we find ourselves in the homeland of hiking in summer, and alpine skiing and snowshoeing in winter. We are located in a territory – the Maira Valley – which is well-known and loved by hikers, and will appeal to those who want to discover the secret of the woods and the charm of the paths while listening to the sound of their own footsteps and that of the wind in the trees; a reference point for bikers where with the nature that surrounds you it brings with it the scent of flowers and pastures as you go up pushing on the pedals, breathing in the pure air of the mountain; a fantastic place for those who simply want to experience a magical moment away from city stress and listen to… the silence! We are Stopover of the Occitan Routes; one of the 23 most
fascinating routes in the world according to CNN Travel and you will find us on the path of the Sentiero dei Ciclamini one of the most characteristic, picturesque and popular of the Maira Valley. We are able to organize the day or the week according to your needs and technical skills. There are many activities that the inn can make available to customers with personalized routes thanks to mountain and nature guides.

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Traditions of  Valle Maira

An incredible story

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Locanda del Silenzio - Hotel diffuso in Valle Maira - Cuneo, Piemonte